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Social Dancing

May contain: person, human, dance, dance pose, leisure activities, and silhouette

Richard Kowaleski is back with new moves! Each class includes the basics for beginners and enhancements for experienced dancers including patterns not previously taught. Beginners and experienced dancers alike are taught easy-to-learn moves that impress!

No partner is required. Please bring smooth-soled shoes with good heel support. For details, phone Richard at (916) 722-1382.

Location: Rusch Park, Dance Studio
Fee: $44/Per Person

Code: 4210

Register Online

4210.03 Night Club Two-Step & Hustle3/4 - 3/257:00pm - 8:00pm
4210.04Waltz & Foxtrot4/1 - 4/227:00pm - 8:00pm
4210.05Salsa & Cha Cha5/6 - 5/277:00pm - 8:00pm
4210.06East & West Coast Swing 6/3 - 6/247:00pm - 8:00pm
4210.07Night Club Two-Step & Hustle7/1 - 7/227:00pm - 8:00pm
4210.08Waltz & Foxtrot8/5 - 8/267:00pm - 8:00pm
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