Junior Giants Baseball League

Registration Opens 3/17 !!
Junior Giants is a free, non-competitive and co-ed baseball program for youth ages 5-13. Working together with local agencies, families, and volunteers, Junior Giants reaches into communities and offers youth a chance to learn the basics of baseball during the summer while also discovering the importance of essential life skills.
Entering its 23rd year, Junior Giants annually serves over 25,000 participants in 90 leagues. Junior Giants is more than just baseball and offers several distinct programs to further enrich a player's experience. Players learn the Junior Giants Four Bases of Character Development: Confidence, Integrity, Leadership, and Teamwork, as well as the importance of Health, Education and Bullying Prevention.
Additional Player, Parent and Coach Resources
Player and Parent Playbook
Coach and Team parent Game Plan
Click below to watch the Junior Giants First Pitch Meeting from 6-7-23
Junior Giants is made possible thanks to the Giants Community Fund!

The Giants Community Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, collaborates with the San Francisco Giants by using baseball as a forum to encourage underserved youth and their families to live healthy, productive lives. The Fund supports Junior Giants leagues throughout Northern California, Nevada, and Oregon and provides assistance to targeted community initiatives in the areas of Education, Health and Violence Prevention.
Since its inception in 1991, the Fund has donated over $24 million to community efforts. The Fund is managed by a 30-member Board of Directors and is sustained by contributions from individuals, businesses, and foundations through a number of special partnerships and fundraisers.
Questions? please call 916-246-6430